The Prayer of Matercare Australia
Heavenly Father,
You sent your only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
into this world as a child born of woman.
Send your Holy Spirit upon all members and
friends of MaterCare Australia.
May we see in every woman with child, an
image of your Holy Mother, Mary Immaculate
and, in every child, from the moment of their
conception, the image of Our Lord and saviour
Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father,
You sent your only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
into this world as a child born of woman.
Send your Holy Spirit upon all members and
friends of MaterCare Australia.
May we see in every woman with child, an
image of your Holy Mother, Mary Immaculate
and, in every child, from the moment of their
conception, the image of Our Lord and saviour
Jesus Christ.